If you are a member of the Association and you are interested in joining a Branch near you, please e-mail your details to the in the first instance.
Scotland Branch Events - 2024
We have two new members, one of whom is our first serving member of the QARNNS.
Following a move to Arran, our current Chair has resigned, We wish her all the best for the future
The QARNNS Assoc Chair and the Committee convey our gratitude to the outgoing Chair for her time at the helm. Gratitude is also given to the Secretary of the Scotland Branch for her continued support during this time of change.
In October we visited Wagamamas in Aberdeen and had a smashing meal. We were joined by members living further afield, who stayed overnight in a nearby hotel. It was so lovely having members come to Aberdeen for a visit
All of us were upset to hear from Marjorie Armstrong that Joan Wilson had died in 2022. Joan was lovely and her and Marjorie always attended our get togethers until Marjorie moved to Plymouth.
Also, some non members let me know that Cath had passed away in January following a short illness.
We have just come back from Edinburgh where 7 of us met up in The Dome for a delicious lunch. I have added a photo and you can see we all had a great laugh
We were supposed to meet there last November, but I made a faux pas and booked the table for the wrong date!!! I was away so wasn’t there, but the ladies found somewhere else for lunch and still had a good chinwag!!
Last year we had a lunch in Dundee, in the Brewery, where we have met before. The lunch was fine, but its the chat that makes the day!!!

Scotland Branch Events 2023
The report states the Scottish Branch is doing well, with new members who will hopefully be able to meet up with the other Branch Members on their days out.
In April, several members met up for the usual chat and lunch, which was said to be lovely.
There are two future events booked, the first being in Glasgow, meeting in September at La Bonne Auberge for lunch. The second is a booked lunch in the Dome in Edinburgh in November
Scotland Branch Event 2022

Finally the Scottish Branch managed to get together! We met in Dundee at a new Bistro style place and had an excellent lunch along with some refreshments!
There were only four of us plus an ex MA (my husband) but we had a good long chat, catching up with everyones lives.
We are getting short of members, due to a number of deaths over the last couple of years, so if there are any QARNNS in the Scotland area who would like to join us, please do get in touch. We try and meet up in various places around Scotland, so that the travelling is shared out between us all.
Late November we a hoping to have lunch at the Dome in Edinburgh (providing we can get a booking), so it would be lovely to see some new faces there! - Jan Evans
Scotland Branch Day Out December 2019

Branch Secretary Mrs Janet Evans met up, prior to Christmas, with other Branch Members, for lunch and shopping at the Dome in Edinburgh and highlighted how magnificent the decorations were.
Scotland Branch Day Out August 2019

The Scottish Branch recently met for a day out at Discovery W Quay, Dundee. The secretary, Mrs Janet Evans, highlighted they had a new member join them and a good day was had by all. Janet also mentioned that they now have three Rosemarys in the group, but fortunately they each have their own monikers - Rose, Rosie and Rosemary!
Some of the group visited the V&A Museum and highlighted there are a number of interesting exhibitions coming up, including a Mary Quant Exhibition - a thought for another day?